Akkar tobacco and tumbac farmers praise role of Eng. Sekaloui; call for continuously supporting sector

Tobacco and tumbac farmers in Akkar held a meeting at the office of the Chief of Municipal Union of Nahr El-Ostwan, Omar El-Hayek in Kweikhat and discussed the tobacco season in Akkar.
During the meeting, El-Hayek said: “The tobacco plant remained a hope and a goal for the farmers to stick to their land knowing that the agricultural sector is witnessing a downfall due to the low season from one side and the damages that are a result of natural disasters, competition, and smuggling, all that led the farmers to squeal under the impact of accumulated debts after the repetitive losses and in the absence of a plan from the concerned persons to assist them.”
El-Hayek added: “The farmers believe that tobacco planting is the safe haven that they count on to live especially that the administration of La Regie Libanaise Des Tabacs Et Tombacs, chaired by Engineer Nassif Seklaoui, made tobacco planting the center of attention of all farmers and did not only work on buying the tobacco season, but also worked on the human development and provided assistance to build halls, set irrigation channels, and other projects.”
He also pointed out the positive role of Eng. Seklaoui to support the farmers so they stay in their land and said: “This man works in great power and enjoys giving attention to the human issues. Regie projects are a space of hope for all the citizens of Akkar.”
“On behalf of all the farmers, we would like to thank Eng. Seklaoui and all the employees and we would like to praise the role of Speaker Nabih Berri who has always supported tobacco planting and who always gave attention to the tobacco farmers, hoping that he always provides them with the needed support.”
El-Hayek concluded by saying: “We hope that Regie administration continues its achievements in Akkar to keep tobacco farmers safe after all the insecurities they’ve witnessed.”